Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from us at OurGov to you, our customers, friends & family. We appreciate you more than you know and want to take a moment of the year in attempt to express our gratitude.

Over the past year, we’ve worked with a number of your firms to get feedback and improve our product. We can’t thank you enough for the input you’ve provided us.

As a part of Thanksgiving, we wanted to have each of our employees share something that they’re grateful for this year (by no means limited to the work we do with you all).

Here are their answers:


“I’m thankful for the new Pokemon game–Scarlet & Violet”



Joe will celebrate this Thanksgiving with two doggos.

“I’m grateful for all of the people in my life and their dogs”



Luke and Hollis will share Thanksgiving together this fall.

“I’m thankful my infant son is finally sleeping through the night. Now if only I can get him to sleep past 5 AM!”



“I’m thankful to having moved closer to my parents and childhood friends this year, and grateful for all of those longstanding relationships.”


Now get back to the family, finish that Turkey Trot, and gobble up what’s left on the table 🍠🌽🥧🍗!