Reporting Regulations

All Wisconsin lobbyists must register with the state of Wisconsin’s Ethics Commission, through their Eye on Lobbying site. OurGov users that aren’t elected officials should read the legislative statutes (Chapter 13, subchapter III) indicating whether or not they need to register. You can find an overview summarizing lobbying requirements in Wisconsin in the Additional Resources section of this page.

When do you need to log your hours and how do you report them to the Commission? There are three main reporting requirements:

  1. Submitting 15-day reports
    • Due within 15 days of every communication or registering interest on a topic
    • Principal‘s responsibility
  2. Logging time spent lobbying and categorizing it as direct or indirect
    • Due every 6 months
    • Lobbyist‘s responsibility
  3. SLAEs (Statement of Lobbying Activity and Expenditures)
    • Due every 6 months
    • Principal‘s responsibility

The Eye on Lobbying team’s Harry Broderick have released a training video explaining the “how” of filing your hours with the state:

Harry explains how to submit your hours and Statements of Lobbying and Activity Reports (SLAEs) to the Commission.

For an overview of the entire site, visit this link.

How OurGov Helps You

We offer a number of tools to help you do your job more efficiently, including:

  • links on every page to allow you to seamlessly log your hours while working on a particular interest
  • notifications prior to impending deadlines of SLAE reports.
  • graphs suggesting which days you may have forgotten to log.

Additional Resources