We recently enhanced our lobbying data, check it out.

Prior to this development, our lobbying data only encompassed the lobbying principal, and the principal contact information. Now, we bring in all registered lobbyists & more information on principal positions!

This will allow you to always be in the know about who is lobbying on what, including all of the lobbyists (and their contact information).

See it in action

Go to any bill to see up-to-date lobbying information from principals registered on that bill, and easily email them using our ‘Quick Email’ functionality (requires a Premium account).

You can even add additional clients to each lobbying principal that aren’t registered as lobbyists. We plan to build a reporting system that will allow you to send these folks weekly scheduled emails with updates on your efforts with summaries of the bills they care about.

In the know

Our data processors run throughout the day, so you can rely on it always being up-to-date.

Keep in mind that we also support logging your hours in OurGov, which should help keep all of your work in one place.

Just one more thing we’re doing to save you time & money.